Co-Packing Services

  • Formulate.

    The Formulate phase is where your recipe transforms into a scalable and market-ready product. Once we review your product and your plan, we sign a co-packing agreement which outlines the details of the engagement. The process begins with translating your unique recipe into a standardized, replicable formula that can be produced consistently at scale. Our team diligently works to adapt your recipe, ensuring that the end product remains true to your original vision while meeting the practicalities of production. The Formulation phase is critical in ensuring the highest standards of quality and compliance. Our rigorous procedures include both in-house and third-party tests to evaluate the product's safety, stability, and shelf life. We conduct a series of tests, such as microbiological analysis, shelf life, and nutritional analysis, to ensure that the product meets all industry regulations and standards. This phase also involves sensory testing to fine-tune flavors, textures, and other sensory attributes.

  • Test.

    In the Test phase of our on-boarding process, we focus on bridging the gap between concept and reality. It starts with small-scale test runs, replicating your product using ingredients sourced from our trusted suppliers. This crucial step ensures that the vision honed in the test kitchen translates seamlessly into a product that can be consistently replicated on our production line. We pay meticulous attention to texture, flavor, and consistency, making adjustments as needed to match your specifications. By conducting these iterative test runs, we not only refine the production process but also guarantee that the product maintains its intended quality and appeal when scaled up. This phase is instrumental in identifying and resolving any potential challenges early on, ensuring a smooth transition to large-scale production while preserving the integrity and distinctiveness of your product.

  • Produce.

    During the Production phase, your product comes to life. Our newly constructed manufacturing facility is equipped to handle mid-scale production runs, ensuring flexibility and efficiency. We are a step up from a 40 gallon hand made small batch, but still operate at a level where we can closely monitor the quality of each jar. We utilize the latest technology in food processing and custom built much of our innovative equipment in house. Our QA team closely monitors each batch, ensuring that every product meets the stringent standards set during the formulation and testing phases. With an emphasis on timely delivery, we ensure that your product is not only produced to the highest standards but also reaches the market quickly and efficiently.